Buying a home from the land can be more profitable than a completed housing project. However, there are many points to consider when buying a home from the land. Because you are more likely to fall victim when buying a home that hasn't started yet.

Here are the things to consider when buying a home from the land...


.1 If you decide to buy a house from the land, the primary issue you will pay attention to is to look for the contractor or contractor company that will build the building. You should examine the previous housing projects of the contractor or the contractor company and check whether these housing projects have been delivered on time. If you wish, you can also make a "contractor inquiry" on the Internet.

.2 If you intend to purchase this type of house, the other important thing to pay attention to is the building bond deed. The location of the apartment is determined with the building bond deed in the building, particularly on which floor it will be when the building is completed.


.3 You should also pay attention to checking the title records of the land on which the building is to be built and ascertain whether it is in accordance with the municipal zoning plan. To be able to build on land, the number of independent sections specified at the contract stage must be possible, as well as legally adequate.

.4 One of the risks of buying a house from the land is the date of handing over the building and, accordingly, the apartment. That is why, when concluding an agreement with a contractor, you should pay attention to the delivery date.

.5 When you purchase this type of dwelling, upon completion of the construction of the building in which the flat will be located, all details of the type of flat you will be given must be included in your contract. Among the details involved, information such as the square meter of the apartment, the layout, the facade, the floor, and the number of rooms and bathrooms it will have can be listed.

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