Those who will be first-time homeowners or who are looking for a rental home often attach importance to having their dream home in the neighborhood where they have always wanted to live. It is very easy to see if you can fulfill this right order! The location of the house for sale or rent is very important. The fact that the house is close to important points such as transportation, hospital and school makes life easier and increases the investment value.

Here are the questions you need to answer before you decide where to live

1 Is it close to work?

Being close to your home will greatly increase your standard of living. Going to work on foot is a great luxury, especially in big cities. Therefore, you can pay attention to the fact that the house you are going to buy, or rent is close to transportation routes.

For example, if the transportation area closest to your place of work is the metro, you can search for a home close to the metro in nearby neighborhoods. Remember, the most important step to free time for yourself and your social life is to reduce the time you spend on your commute.


2 Where is my social life?

Choosing the right home is different for everyone. If you prefer quiet in your social life and don't like to go out much, you can choose boutique locations or residences that are not in the city center. If you enjoy cultural activities such as theater and cinema; You can head to the areas where theatre, cinema and concert areas are concentrated. If you care about the places where you spend time with your friends, you can choose central locations.

3 Is the price within my budget?

You have decided where the house you want to move into will be, it is very close to your work and social life. What about the price? You can't budget if you don't know how much money you will make and spend each month. This is why you should prepare a personal income statement. Don't be late spending time at this table. If you choose your home according to the outcome, you will be making a long-term decision.

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