The occupation is in shock... 35 prisoners and clashes in 21 locations in the Gaza Strip

In the early hours of Saturday morning, the Israelis woke up to a “flood” they were not familiar with. Thousands of Palestinian resistance rockets were raining down the skies of the settlements around Gaza, while resistance fighters from the Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), infiltrated the area. Israel by land, sea and air, according to the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation .

هدم سور اسرائيل


The statements issued by the Israeli occupation authorities and the headlines of the Israeli newspapers this morning reflect a state of confusion indicating that the “flood” of Qasims has caught the people by surprise .  

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Israel is under attack and is being subjected to an infiltration operation that it described as “terrorist” carried out by Hamas, before threatening, “We will do everything to protect ourselves .”  

Meanwhile, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant stated that Hamas committed a grave mistake this morning and started a war against Israel .  

The Israeli army continued to announce measures it was taking to confront the situation. It declared “preparedness for a state of war after Palestinians infiltrated the heart of Israel.” He also announced the closure of roads and sites and switching to alternative routes in areas near the border fence with the Gaza Strip, and the activation of Iron Dome, at a time when sirens sounded in the occupation cities .  

However, these measures and the threat issued by Israeli officials failed in reassuring the settlers, whose video clips broadcast by activists on social media showed how hundreds of them fled at dawn today from the settlements surrounding the Gaza Strip, coinciding with the storming of these settlements by Palestinian resistance members .  

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