After the earthquakes that hit Kahramanmaraş, the number of homes subject to compulsory earthquake insurance increased by about 800 thousand.

According to the information collected by the AA reporter from the data of the Natural Disaster Insurance Corporation (DASK), the number of earthquake-insured homes reached 10 million 960 thousand 389 at the time of the earthquake and reached 11 million 749 thousand 861. In the 80-day period.

During the mentioned period, the number of policies included in the system increased by about 800 thousand documents. The proportion of those who have compulsory earthquake insurance between 20 million and 32 thousand homes across the country rose from 54 percent to 58.7 percent. The value of the produced premium amounted to 3 trillion, 480 billion and 364 thousand Turkish liras.

The Marmara region takes the lead in the insurance rate with 67 percent, followed by the Aegean region with 59.2 percent, Eastern Anatolia with 56.8 percent and Central Anatolia with 54 percent. 53.5 percent of the dwellings in the Mediterranean, 52.8 percent of those in southeastern Anatolia and 48.8 percent of the population of the Black Sea region have earthquake insurance.


The highest insurance rate in Polo

Bolu is one of the provinces with the highest earthquake insurance rate, at 91.9 percent. Duzce follows Polo with 90.8 percent. Other provinces in the top ten with the highest insurance coverage rate are Yalova with 87.7%, Tekirdag with 85.5%, Muğla with 83.8%, Bingol with 83.7%, Sakarya with 83.4% and 76.5%, Van with 72.8% and Ardahan with 72.8%. 72.8% and Kocaeli 71.4%.

1 out of every 3 homes in Istanbul is uninsured.

One in three homes in Istanbul, which has the largest population in Turkey, does not have insurance. While 65.4 percent (2 million 715 thousand 208) of the 4 million 153 thousand homes in the metropolis have earthquake insurance, this rate is 58.1 percent in Ankara and

It was registered by 63 percent in Izmir.

Hakkari is one of the cities with the lowest insurance rate at 28.5 percent. Hakkari Gumushan followed with 34.1 percent. The mentioned rate is 36.2 percent in Bayburt, 37.3 percent in Diyarbakır, 38 percent in Kütahya and Kircale, 38.7 percent in Tokat and Isparta, 38.9 percent in Rize and Muş, and it was 39.2 percent.

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