In an earthquake disaster, the demolition of old buildings as well as new ones for sale with the knowledge of "earthquake resistance" raised the question, "Is the building I live in really safe?" Insulation experts have compiled issues to consider when buying a new home or changing homes.

Before the earthquake, which had its epicenter in Kahramanmaraş and caused severe damage in 11 provinces, questions such as the width of the balcony for which house seekers sought answers, and which facade of the house’s facades, were replaced by questions such as “has a core, can the analysis be made, can it be strengthened?” With carbon fiber?” he took the questions. ODE Yalıtım experts gave information about issues that should be considered when buying a new house or changing a house, especially earthquake resistance.

7 questions and answers to measure the safety and quality of the building...

The insulation experts explained the seven questions that will be asked to measure the safety and quality of the building and their answers as follows:


1. Do I need to have a fundamental analysis?

Primary analysis by taking a cylindrical concrete sample from a building's load-bearing structures is an effective method for measuring the class and durability of concrete, but it is not sufficient on its own. Because in a building, many criteria such as ground survey, static calculations, manufacturing, as well as the strength of concrete come into play. For this reason, when checking the integrity of your building, get support from a specialized company and consider all components, not just concrete.

2. Are there any waterproofing materials in the building? If yes, in which parts of the building are there waterproofing materials?

You can find out the answer to this question from the construction company or contractor. Be sure to inquire if there is waterproofing, especially on the foundation. Because the primary waterproofing is the steel jacket of the structure. Contrast statements like "there is no water in this area" because water that comes out because of ground movements such as rain or earthquakes also causes structural erosion. Corrosion reduces the strength of the structure and shortens its life.

On the other hand, when applying waterproofing, which affects the construction cost by 1% during the building construction phase, later, this cost can increase up to three times. Moreover, even if it is decided to apply waterproofing later, basic waterproofing cannot be done, and only wall, floor and roof insulation can be used. In addition, according to Article 51 of the Species Division Regulation, which entered into force on July 3, 2017, it is necessary to make thermal and waterproof insulation against external influences on all floors of the basement based on soil.

3. Is it possible to understand whether there is waterproofing without asking the company or contractor?

This certainly cannot be understood, but if you smell damp when you go down to the basement or parking lot, if you see water flowing or corrosion on the iron on the bearing parts, if there are stains such as bacteria, mold, and fungus on the inner surface of the outer wall of the building, it may not Your building contains waterproofing materials or the application was not performed properly. In this case, consult a specialist.

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4. How is the correct waterproofing done, which products should be preferred?

Resistant membranes, which are preferred in terms of speed and practicality in foundation waterproofing today, are waterproofing membranes that are applied prior to concrete and adhere completely to the concrete directly poured on them. Similarly, sliding waterproofing products are materials that can be used in canopies and wet areas, starting with the foundation. Although it is possible to find solutions with water injection products in structures such as foundations, parking lots, and showrooms with waterproofing, these products are very expensive. Therefore, waterproofing is one of the most important issues to be solved during the design phase of a building.

If you could specify the materials / brands used in the construction stages of your building, you can get answers to all your questions and technical support from the manufacturers.

5. What is the energy category in the building energy identity document?

The energy performance of the buildings is rated from A to G. Class A is used to indicate the most efficient level, while class G is used to indicate the least efficient level. The document that shows this rating in buildings is called an Energy Performance Certificate or EKB for short. If you intend to buy an apartment in a new or under construction building, make sure that the building is designed and built to be in the lowest category C. Newly constructed or under construction buildings below Category C cannot obtain an occupancy permit by law. However, as energy efficiency increases, your home's heating and cooling costs will also decrease.

6. What other areas of the building have insulation?

Installing insulation on the outside walls of boilers and pipes used for heating, especially in basements and public spaces, is one of the most effective ways to prevent heat loss. Again, whether there is a temperature-controlled coating on the windows and the application of double glazing also increases the quality of the insulation.

7. Is it important to have a basement in the building in terms of durability?

According to the building zoning regulations, the basement is mandatory in buildings with more than four floors. Because the lower floors are generally made of curtain walls due to the fixed structures. Curtain concrete also carries the energy and load during an earthquake, reducing damage. On the other hand, buildings with a store on the ground floor constructed according to the fixed calculations may also be preferred. When buying apartments, make sure that the ceiling heights of the shop floor and upper floors do not differ too much from each other in such structures. For example, if a store is built with a height of 6 meters at the entrance, a mezzanine floor with a height of 3 meters above it, and apartments with a height of 3.3 meters, the different column sizes create a soft, irregular floor that will increase the displacement risks of the building. For this reason, column sizes that change as you go up to the upper floors are considered a negative indicator of building safety.

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