Turkish Nationality Law

The Turkish citizenship law is primarily based on the principle of blood right. Children born to a Turkish mother or father (within or outside marriage) are Turkish citizens from birth. The intention to renounce Turkish citizenship (or to obtain citizenship from another country) in Turkey is submitted by petitioning the highest administrative official at the place of residence of the person concerned and when abroad to the Turkish Consulate. Documents processed by these authorities are sent to the Ministry of the Interior for appropriate action.

Defining a citizen. Article 66 of the Turkish Constitution defines citizenship:

  1. Every person who is bound by the Turkish state through the bond of citizenship is Turkish.
  2. A child of a Turkish father or a Turkish mother is Turkish.
  3. Nationality can be acquired under the conditions stipulated by the law and may not be confiscated except in cases specified by the law.
  4. A Turk may not be deprived of citizenship unless he commits an act inconsistent with loyalty to the motherland.
  5. It shall not be permissible to resort to the courts to challenge decisions and procedures related to the deprivation of nationality.

loss of nationality

Naturalization, loss of Turkish citizenship is handled by the Vital Statistics Office and is a department under the Ministry of Interior.

The blue card as a form of “the right to citizenship

Former Turkish citizens who were forced to renounce their Turkish citizenship, for example because of their naturalization in a country that does not usually allow dual citizenship such as Germany, or Austria, can apply for a blue card that gives them some of the rights of citizens again, for example the right to live and work in Turkey and the right to own land or the right to inheritance and other things.

Turkey passport

Turkey Passport is currently ranked 53rd according to Guide Consultants' passport ranking index. The Turkish passport allows its holders to travel without a visa to 113 travel destinations around the world, which gives it an average degree of mobility in general.

Turkey passport holders have the ability to travel without a visa or obtain a visa upon arrival to many countries such as Brazil, Qatar, Albania and South Korea, which allows holders of this passport to travel immediately to many countries around the world, however, Turkish passport holders will need to obtain A pre-visa to enter about 116 countries, including China, all European Union countries and India.

قانون الجنسية التركية

Turkey passport arrangement

The ranking of Turkey's passport in relation to passports of other countries of the world is determined by calculating the total number of countries that allow Turkish passport holders to enter without a visa (ie countries that Turkish citizens do not need a visa to travel to) in addition to the countries that allow Turkish passport holders Entry either by obtaining a visa on arrival or by obtaining an electronic travel authorization. There are currently 72 travel destinations that allow Turkish passport holders to travel to without a visa, 37 travel destinations that grant Turkish citizens a visa on arrival, and 4 travel destinations that Turkish citizens can travel to by obtaining an electronic travel authorization.

In all, Turkey passport holders can enter a total of 113 travel destinations – either without a visa, with a visa on arrival, or with an eTA. Based on these results, the Turkish passport ranks 53rd in the world.

In contrast, there are 116 travel destinations with which Turkish passport holders need to obtain either a physical visa or an e-visa in order to travel to them (ie the countries a visa is required to travel to).


  1. A foreign citizen may apply for naturalization if he fulfills all of the following conditions:
  2. Has reached the age of majority as defined by the laws of his country or, in the case of stateless persons, the laws of Turkey.
  3. He has resided in Turkey for 5 years without interruption before submitting the application.
  4. He intends to settle in Turkey and has taken measures to prove it.
  5. Free from any disease that threatens public health.
  6. Have good manners.
  7. He has the ability to speak Turkish.
  8. He has sufficient income for his livelihood in Turkey.
  9. Does not constitute a threat to national security or public order.

Meeting these conditions does not give the foreigner the absolute right to Turkish citizenship.

A foreign national who has been married to a Turkish citizen for three years and is still married to that partner may request naturalization under various conditions:

  • Lives with a Turkish partner (exceptions are granted if a Turkish partner dies after submitting the application).
  • Avoids actions that would threaten the marriage.
  • It does not pose a threat to national security and public order.

After the successful application, the naturalized partner may maintain his Turkish nationality in the event of the dissolution of the marriage, as long as the two partners have concluded the marriage contract in good faith.

Obtaining Turkish citizenship

Many seek to obtain a Turkish passport because it allows its holders to travel without a visa to more than 110 countries and territories around the world.

Turkey citizenship can be obtained in several ways; like

  1. Adoption,A child adopted by a Turkish citizen automatically becomes a Turkish citizen if he or she is under 18 years old on the date of submission of the application for adoption. In some cases (although it is not required) those who have foreign names and apply for Turkish citizenship change their names to Turkish (but not necessarily Muslim) names. Examples of people who have done this include football players Colin Kazem Richards and Mohamed Aurelio.
  2. Lineage.
  3. Marriage.
  4. Investment.

Turkey citizenship by investment

turk vatandasligi basvuru

Since the publication of additional articles on Law No. 5901 on January 12, 2017, foreign nationals investing in Turkey will be given the right to apply for Turkish citizenship.

A foreign citizen who makes one of the following investments or fulfills one condition may apply for Turkish citizenship:

  1. Purchase of one or more properties with a minimum value of $400,000 USD. The investor must retain ownership of the property for a period of three years
  2. The lowest and he can rent the property during that period.
  3. An investment in a Turkish company with a value of not less than 2,000,000 US dollars.
  4. Deposit a minimum amount of $500,000 in a Turkish bank for at least 3 years.
  5. Buy government bonds of a minimum value of USD 500,000 and keep them for 3 years.
  6. Investing $500,000 in fixed assets under the supervision of the Ministry of Industry and Technology.
  7. Establishing a company that provides at least 50 jobs under the supervision of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.
  8. Turkish citizenship through residency, where Turkish citizenship is granted to residents for a continuous period of 5 years in Turkey, and work residency is obtained by establishing a company in Turkey.

Fulfilling one of the above conditions will be sufficient to earn the right to apply for Turkish citizenship. The legal government entity will monitor the investment claimed by him and his foreign applicant. Once the investment is confirmed by the government agency related to the investment, the foreigner will be granted Turkish citizenship.

dual nationality

Dual citizenship (simultaneous possession of two citizenships) is possible in Turkey because there are no uniform rules of international law regarding acquisition of citizenship. Each country has its own laws regarding nationality and grants its nationality to individuals on the basis of its own internal policy. Individuals may have dual citizenship by choice or by the automatic operation of these different laws.

The laws of Turkey provide for the acquisition of Turkish citizenship based on the lineage from which the birth descends to one of the Turkish parents in Turkey, as well as by birth abroad to one of the Turkish parents, regardless of other nationalities that may be acquired at birth. Children born in Turkey to foreign nationals cannot claim Turkish citizenship unless one of the parents is also a Turkish citizen or the child would become stateless. The acquisition (or retention) of foreign citizenship does not automatically affect Turkish citizenship. There are no provisions in Turkish laws stating that citizens born with dual citizenship choose one nationality over the other when they become adults.

While the Turkish government recognizes the existence of dual citizenship and allows Turkish citizens to be of other nationalities, the Turkish government requires that those requesting another nationality notify the appropriate Turkish officials (the nearest Turkish embassy or consulate abroad) and present the certificate of original citizenship, the Turkish birth certificate, and a document showing the end of service Military (for males), marriage certificate (if any), and four photos. Dual citizens are not required to use a Turkish passport to enter and leave Turkey; He is allowed to travel with a valid foreign passport or a national identity card for some citizens and a Turkish national identity card.

Since not all countries allow dual citizenship, Turks must sometimes renounce their Turkish citizenship if they want to become citizens of another country. See the section above where the blue card is found as a form of "right to citizenship".

Visa requirements for Turkish citizens

Ordinary Turkish passport holders can travel visa-free or obtain a visa-on-arrival to 116 countries as of 2019 according to the Visa Restrictions Index.

Visa requirements for Turkish nationals are administrative entry restrictions by the authorities of other countries placed on nationals in Turkey. As of 2019, Turkish citizens had a visa or visa on arrival in 116 countries and territories, and the Turkish passport ranks 38th in terms of travel freedom.

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Turkey also offers a special type of “Alien Passport” to the citizens of TRNC to enable them to travel freely as this country is not generally recognized and TRNC passports are not accepted as valid travel documents in some countries.

Citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus have the right to become citizens of Turkey if they wish and apply. They are exempt from the above criteria. The only point is that they are born Turkish Cypriots, i.e. a Turkish Cypriot mother or a Turkish Cypriot father.

Features of Turkish citizenship

Surely you have heard of someone's desire to obtain Turkish citizenship, and you may have asked yourself what would I benefit from if I obtained Turkish citizenship.

Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport are desirable nationalities, especially in recent times when economic and political development and infrastructure development began to appear to the world and it became difficult to ignore this progress in various levels. What is certain is Turkey's progress and its competition with developed countries globally, and what is expected is continued progress in the future thanks to The renewed goals of the Turkish government to be on the throne of developed countries.

Turkish citizenship holders enjoy many benefits, including but not limited to the following:

  • Visa-free travel to more than 110 countries and territories.
  • Eligibility for the Investor Visa Program (E-2) in the United States of America.
  • Free school and university education.
  • Acquiring a citizenship that lasts for life and can be passed on to newborns.
  • Free medical care services for all citizens.
  • Possibility of obtaining Turkish citizenship without the need to actually reside in Turkey.
  • Ease of conducting legal transactions as a Turkish citizen.
  • Take advantage of free services such as education.
  • Maintain your original nationality, as Turkey allows an individual to have another nationality.
  • Exemption from military service if you are over the age of 22.
  • Work anywhere without the need for a work permit.
  • A safe social environment that embraces many different religions and cultures.
  • A constantly evolving infrastructure.

The papers required to apply for Turkish citizenship when buying a property

  1. Tapu paper (property title deed).
  2. T.'s report
  3. Real estate appraisal through an appraisal institution licensed by the Turkish government.
  4. Payment and receipt receipts for the buyer and seller, documented by a bank seal.
  5. A translation of the passports of family members, attached with another visa copy (entry visa).

Turkish citizenship by investment in Turkey

Some investors prefer to obtain Turkish citizenship directly without the need to establish a company in Turkey and obtain a work permit that allows the investor to apply for citizenship after five years.

Al-Shamel Company provides you with the service of tracking the process of obtaining Turkish citizenship, which the investor and his family can obtain through:

The papers required to apply for Turkish citizenship upon investment

  1. A copy of the passport (to be translated and certified by Al-Shamel Company).
  2. Selfies size 6*4.
  3. Birth certificates (translated and certified by Al Shamel Company).
  4. If the investor is married, passport photos of the family must be attached.
  5. If the investor is married, the marriage contract or family book certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Turkish embassy in the country of the applicant, or the apostille stamp, shall be attached.
  6. Residence/home address outside Turkey.
  7. Residence/home address inside Turkey.
  8. The investor's mobile number and e-mail.

Al-Shamel Company helps you in all procedures related to obtaining Turkish citizenship, and the following are the necessary steps:

  1. Establishing a company in Turkey and obtaining a work permit.
  2. Power of attorney to finalize procedures related to nationality.
  3. Open your own bank account, if you do not have an account in a Turkish bank, in order to deposit the amount of $500,000.
  4. Helping you obtain temporary Turkish residency for investors until citizenship is issued.
  5. Follow up on your application procedures and follow up on the file until the citizenship is issued.
  6. Accompanying you to the Ministry of Immigration in order to sign, fingerprint and complete the procedures.
  7. Your Turkish citizenship will be issued within 3 months from the date of depositing the amount in the bank account.

For more information or inquiries, please contact us via one of the means of communication on our website, or leave a message with your address, and one of our employees will contact you and provide a free consultation.

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