In the first three months of the year, including the Kahramanmaraş earthquake, there were many reflections on the need for shelter and housing, while the movement of movement increased in major cities. So, what happened in the first quarter of 2023, which includes the first three months of the year, in Istanbul and Ankara, the two cities with the highest average home purchases and rental rates in Turkey? Which areas saw the most mobility in Istanbul and Ankara, and which areas were preferred?

January, February 2023 for answers to these and similar questions. It's essential to have a look at REIDIN-Transportation's report, which includes the first quarter period covering March.

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Istanbul Transfer Assessment - First Quarter 2023

  • The transportation index in Istanbul increased by 98.38% in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the previous quarter and by 77.92% compared to the same quarter of the previous year. As important information, it should be noted that the period with the highest value in the past two years is still the second quarter of 2021.
  • According to the results of the first quarter of 2023, Kadikoy, which is the most prominent district in terms of mobility rates, became the most mobile district with a rate of 7.70%, the most active with a rate of 7.20% and the most favored district with a rate of 6.87%.
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According to the results of the first quarter of 2023, Atakent district in Küçükçekmece district is the most active neighborhood with a rate of 1.30%, while Zümrütevler district in Maltepe region is the most active with a rate of 1.31%.

Yenişehir district in Pendik district is the most preferred district with a percentage of 1.24%.

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Ankara Transfer Assessment - First Quarter 2023

The Redin-Inacleat Ankara Resettlement Index, based on the 2017 average of 100, increased by 77.09% in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the previous quarter, and by 27.76% compared to the same quarter of the previous year. It was noted that the period in which the index recorded the highest value in the past two years is the second quarter of 2021.

According to the results of the first quarter of 2023, Cankaya district, which is the most prominent district in terms of mobility rates, was the most mobile with a rate of 26.21%, the most active with a rate of 18.55% and the most favored district with a rate of 23.42%.

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İlkıbahar in Çankaya district, Pağlıca district and Elvan district in İltimsgut district emerged as the most populous district with a rate of 2.23%.

Karapürçek district in Altındağ district and Yeşilova district in Etimesgut district were the most active districts with 2.38%.

Paglica neighborhood in Etimesgut district is the most preferred neighborhood with 2.71%.

REIDIN-Transportation Mobility Report Q1 2023: Moving in Istanbul continues to increase!

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