Designing buildings to resist earthquakes.

Experiences and results drawn from recent earthquakes have shown that properly designed and executed facilities are able to resist violent earthquakes without collapsing. However, most of these facilities, especially the old ones, can be exposed to serious damage or collapse causing the loss of lives of the population, as confirmed by studies conducted on The performance of the structure during the occurrence of earthquakes, because the structural structures that have sufficient ability to resist the lateral forces must also have sufficient ductility, that is, the ability to maintain their integrity when the stresses increase in order to protect the population, as confirmed by the studies conducted on the performance of the structure during the occurrence of these Earthquakes, structural sentences that possess sufficient capacity to resist lateral forces must also have sufficient ductility, or the ability to maintain their integrity when increasing stresses in order to protect the population. The effect of earthquakes on any concrete structure is summarized in that it affects this structure. Horizontal forces of variable value depending on the location of the origin and its proximity or distance from the coastal areas or from the centers and foci of the main earthquake zones, and these horizontal forces contradict their concept of the equilibrium of the origin from its counterparts. Among the vertical forces that engineers used to design the structure based on its effect only and neglecting the horizontal forces and designing on the basis of these forces.


Vertical load support

Earthquake-resistant buildings are designed with the aim of supporting the vertical load that provides support for the roof and walls and works to preserve all the internal components of the building.


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