Four steps to living in an eco-friendly home.

As the climate crisis intensifies, more and more people want a sustainable life. Our homes, which are our living spaces, also change according to this legitimate demand.

The central bank announced the housing price index

The House Price Index (KFE) rose by 6.9 percent month-on-month and 153.1 percent year-on-year to 708.3 in January.

ibb hanging floor ban

ibb hanging floor ban

After the earthquakes, which claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people, debate began about many elements of the buildings. One of them is on the mezzanine floor.

Is your building secure? Here's what you need to do to find out

In the earthquake disaster, the demolition of old buildings as well as new ones for sale with the knowledge of "earthquake resistance" raised the question, is the building I live in really safe...

5 things to consider when buying a home from soil

Buying a home from the land can be more profitable than a completed housing project. However, there are many points to consider when buying a home from the land.

Things to consider when buying an earthquake resistant home

The fact that we live in a country that is in an earthquake zone has also begun to change our home buying habits to a great extent. The importance of factors such as the strength of the building, its age, its floor and the quality of building materials has also...

The construction of Conda Island has been confirmed

According to the President's decisions published in the Official Gazette, some immovable properties subject to private ownership will be confiscated

What are the most moving areas in Istanbul and Ankara?

In the first three months of the year including the Kahramanmaraş earthquake, there were many reflections on the need for shelter and housing, while the movement of movement increased in major cities.

The number of insured homes increased by 800 thousand

After the earthquakes that hit Kahramanmaraş, the number of homes subject to compulsory earthquake insurance increased by about 800 thousand.

House prices in the provinces neighboring Istanbul

You can take a look at house prices in cities that will make you feel close to Istanbul, but far from the chaos of city life

TURKSTAT ANNOUNCES: 105 thousand 476 homes were sold in March

In Türkiye, 105 thousand 476 homes were sold in March. The number of homes sold in March decreased by 21.4 percent compared to the same month in the previous year.

The annual increase in real estate prices was 142 percent

The average price per square meter in Istanbul was 31 thousand 802 Turkish liras. Thus, the average price of a 100-square-meter house in Istanbul exceeded 3.1 million liras.