The fact that we live in a country that is in an earthquake zone has also begun to change our home buying habits to a great extent. The importance of factors such as the strength of the building, its age, its floor and the quality of building materials has also increased. Earthquake resistance is an important criterion when buying a home. So, how do you know if the house you want to buy is earthquake-proof or if the building you are going to live in is steel?

What should be considered to purchase permanent housing in the earthquake zone?

Do not forget, owning a home is probably one of the most important financial decisions of your life, so you have the right to examine, research and learn every detail.

Check out the building project.

First, you should check whether the building was built in accordance with the project. You can access the building project from its municipality of residence. It is important to use precast concrete in the construction, if there are seashells or similar things in the concrete, it may be a precarious building. If there are cracks in the columns and beams of the building, there is moisture in the basement and the column rails are rusty, and a damaged building can be mentioned.

It must comply with earthquake regulations.

Building arrangements in earthquake zones are expected to be designed in such a way that the dwelling can withstand the horizontal and vertical forces to which an earthquake is exposed or not be damaged. A solid foundation is the essential feature of creating a structure that is independent of the risks of natural disasters. It is critical to the long-term stability of the building, and a stronger foundation is required to withstand the strong impacts of an earthquake. Before starting the construction process, it is necessary to closely monitor the characteristics of the land. Buildings designed to withstand severe earthquakes have deep and solid foundations, and there are many elements to a solid building. Experts must determine factors such as the quality and correct use of building materials and the appropriateness of the architectural design.


Therefore, it is important that the house you are going to buy complies with earthquake regulations. Buildings designed after an earthquake can respond positively to this problem. However, many buildings that were built before the 1999 earthquake may be at risk. The fact that a building is high or low, large, or small, does not indicate that it carries earthquake risk. What matters is whether it was built according to the new regulations.

Pay attention to the waterproofing!

buildings: They are exposed to water due to natural weather conditions and groundwater absorbed by the soil and the use of water in wet areas such as bathrooms and toilets. Structure water leakage can cause corrosion of the bearing reinforcement of structures, which will lead to a serious decrease in the load-bearing capacity in a short time, deteriorating the integrity of concrete and causing cracks and fractures.

After 10 years, the reinforcement in the structure loses approximately 66 percent of its initial bearing capacity due to corrosion under certain conditions and causes the reinforcement to not meet the initial calculation values. Rebar in the carrier system of buildings without waterproofing begins to rot from the inside over the years. This reduces the building's durability against potential earthquake.

Take precautions to protect yourself from earthquakes after you own a home.

After assessing the conformity and durability of the house you are going to buy with the help of experts, you can take personal measures to avoid damage caused by an earthquake.

First, you must position your suspensions correctly so that they are not damaged in an earthquake. For example, if you have a heavy accessory hanging over the bed, you can remove it or check its stability. You can install it on the wall to prevent bookshelves and cabinets from tipping over. You can make sure that electronic items such as televisions and computers are placed on a solid table, and you can secure your items such as refrigerator, washing machine and dishwasher to the floor and prevent them from moving.

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